Peter E. Fenton February Newsletter

Gavin Caselegno from the Vampire Diaries has a look similar to Charlie Watts, one of the main characters from The Declan Hunt Mysteries


Winter is receding and 2024 is shaping up to be a busy year as I continue along the path to releasing two books and getting a musical out on tour. This month is all about process. So first, let me update you on Hoodoo House coming out this summer. 

Right now while the book is going through editing, the other focus is the cover art. I work with the publisher and the artist by providing a description of the overall image I have in mind, and then offer photos of people who can act as a reference for the look of the character I want featured. Some authors use vision boards before they write, but I like to let my characters create themselves in my mind’s eye and then find similar images after I have written the novel. Charlie Watts was introduced in the first novel, so I’ve gotten to know the character quite well. When I went searching for someone to compare Charlie Watts with, Gavin Caselegno came to mind. 

So what will the ultimate book cover look like? I can tell you that the house in the title will be prominently featured, that Charlie will be the star of this cover (while Declan Hunt was the prominent figure on the cover of Mann Hunt), and that in the window, there will an image of two of the characters that reside in Hoodoo House. Or that’s the plan. I should be able to reveal the actual cover by the end of March. 

The only other thing I will reveal, is the catch phrase for the book.

How far would you be willing to go to keep a secret?

And that may be a question I’ll ask of fans, as this book has a mystery that slowly unravels, with an explosive ending with surprise twists and turns. But will readers reveal the big secrets at the end, or will they keep them to themselves and have others read to find out what really happened? All will be revealed when the next installment of The Declan Hunt Mysteries comes out on June 25th.


This stock photo captures the personality of the central character in my youth novel Not Not Normal


My youth novel Not Not Normal is going through a much different process. The book has been in revisions with Lorimer Publishing for the past six months with various staff readers providing response to the material to allow the book to be as realistic as possible. The central character Jordan Shepherd is shy, troubled by the loss of a parent, suffering from panic attacks at school and struggling to find his place in the world. 

While the novel is only 27,000 words, it packs an emotional wallop as we see Jordan’s year of change unfold. It is a story about finding someone who accepts you for who you are who gives you the strength to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. It is a book filled with hope, humour and most importantly, love.

The image above is a fair representation of the stage Jordan is at in his life. What will the cover look like? In this case, the publisher takes the lead and often the front of the novels are more stylized drawn images. All will be revealed in the upcoming months as the book goes through copy editing and marketing, and I look forward to sharing more about the novel as it comes closer to publication in the fall of 2024.



The Detective Disappears, a new one hour musical goes into rehearsal next week. The show follows Dr Watson and Mrs Hudson as they try and solve the case of when Sherlock Holmes goes missing. My partner Scott has been working on lead sheets and orchestrations, and the show will start performances on March 7th and tour for five weeks with Smile Theatre. This company takes professional equity productions to seniors facilities bringing new Canadian theatre to those who still love a show, but can’t get out to see it anymore. Check out the fabulous work Smile Theatre does by clicking here.



More fantastic authors have been named for the Northern Rainbow Romance Retreat happening this October in Toronto. I can’t wait to take part in this event including signings and workshops. For more information click here.



2025 may seem like a long ways away, but I am already booked for some conference appearances including the Love & Romance Conference in Toronto. By then, it is possible that my 5th book (the final episode in The Declan Hunt Mysteries) may be available for signing. I’ll keep you posted.



All work and no play limits creativity. After a busy winter, it will be time for a spring break. Scott and I have arranged for a holiday that will take us to California, along the coast by train to Seattle, with stops along the way in Vancouver and Calgary before returning home. In next month’s newsletter, I’ll hopefully be able to post a bit about the cover for Hoodoo House and perhaps even a quick peek at production stills from the musical.

In the meantime, thanks for reading, and I look forward to sharing more about this year’s novels in upcoming newsletters.

Warmest Regards,

Peter E. Fenton

(at the Keith Haring exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario)

Published by peterefenton

Peter Fenton is a playwright and author living in Toronto, Canada.

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