Peter E. Fenton Update … Mann Hunt Wins An Award


Last week I had a chance to talk to Robert Jerome Pagan as part of the International Queer Film and Art Forum Authors’ Festival. Robert interviewed me about my work, and then the following week I participated in a panel about work being published by queer authors. After the festival, awards were given out, and Mann Hunt was awarded Mystery Novel of the Year. Here’s what Robert wrote. I was particularly thrilled with the shout out to the Canadian focus of my work.


🎩📚🔍 Step into the shadows of intrigue and congratulations to Peter E. Fenton, our crowned Mystery Novel of the Year winner! 🔍📚🎩

Peter, your win is a testament to your incredible talent, versatility, and unwavering dedication to the craft of storytelling. From the sprawling landscapes of Canada to the depths of intrigue and suspense, your literary journey is as captivating as the mysteries you weave.

With your debut novel, “The Woodcarver’s Model,” you carved out a place for yourself in the literary world, earning four nominations in the esteemed Goodreads M/M Romance Readers’ Choice Awards. Your latest masterpiece, “Mann Hunt,” delves into the thrilling world of Declan Hunt Mysteries, captivating readers with its pulse-pounding suspense and unforgettable characters.

As you embark on the next chapter of Declan Hunt’s adventures with “Hoodoo House,” and prepare to unveil the final installment of the series, you continue to leave readers on the edge of their seats, craving more with each twist and turn.

But your literary prowess extends beyond the realm of mystery, as evidenced by your upcoming teen romance novel, “Not Not Normal,” set to charm readers with its heartfelt storytelling and relatable characters.

Throughout your diverse body of work, one thing remains constant: your unwavering commitment to showcasing the beauty, humor, and heart of Canada. From the rugged landscapes of the Canadian Rockies to the vibrant streets of Toronto, your novels serve as love letters to the rich tapestry of Canadian culture.

Your creative journey is as varied as it is remarkable, from writing for the stage to exploring the mysteries of paleontology in remote locations across Canada. Through it all, your passion for storytelling shines brightly, illuminating the hearts and minds of readers around the world.

Behind every great author stands a pillar of support, and it’s heartwarming to hear about the love and companionship you share with your partner of more than twenty years. Together, you form a partnership that fuels your creativity and enriches your life in countless ways.

Peter, may your literary endeavors continue to thrill, inspire, and captivate.

To find out more about the work the IQFAF does in promoting queer artists, click here.



Last week I talked about the work Gay Romance Reviews was doing getting the word out about Hoodoo House by reaching out to various industry players and readers to get Advance Reader Copies to reviewers. The reviews just started coming in, and so far, the news is good. The most important thing is people are starting to talk about the book. The focus of the next seven weeks will be preparing for the launch of the book on June 25th. This means updates to the website, doing work on my Amazon pages, and putting out press releases. Writing a book is only a part of the process. I look forward to sharing the novel widely when it comes out in late June.



If you want to be a part of the celebration, join me on June 25th from 7- 9 PM in Toronto at the Epochal Imp (123 Danforth Avenue, Toronto). Bring along a previous book for a signature, or pick up a copy of any of my books on the night. More details will follow, but mark the date in your calendar. I will post an invitation with a proper RSVP in the upcoming weeks, as the venue can only hold about 50 people. Hopefully I’ll see many of you there.



Next up will be the launch of my youth novel Not Not Normal released by Lorimer Press. Here’s a small description for the book, which will be available in Canada and the U.S. on September 3rd of this year.

Jordan is pretty sure he’s not normal. It’s not that he’s gay. It’s other things, like the fact that he tends to stick to himself. He’s also the president of the book club (which isn’t exactly popular) and at the worst possible times, he has terrifying panic attacks.

As Jordan prepares to enter Grade Eleven, his best friend Emma tries to convince him that this is going to be his year of change, but Jordan isn’t so sure. He doesn’t want change. He wants to be in control.

Jordan’s world is turned upside down when he meets Nathan who has a strong disregard for the rules and doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything. And when Nathan starts to show interest in Jordan as more than a friend, things start to get … out of control.

Will Jordan find the strength to let go, or will he push away his chance to find love?

Not Not Normal is about overcoming grief, dealing with anxiety, and the power of love when someone accepts you for who you are, and gives you the strength to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.



A month after the launch of the youth novel I will be appearing at the Northern Rainbow Romance Retreat from October 2nd to 5th. This event will bring gay romance writers from across the world to a conference designed to allow an exchange of information between authors and their promoters, as well as an unforgettable chance for super fans to meet the authors in person.

October 2nd & 3rd are writing retreat days for authors, aspiring authors and Personal Assistants.

October 4th is a VIP reader day with reader-focused sessions including author meet ups and a big lunch for everyone. 

October 5th is signing day – there will be two author sessions which will include a VIP only time, and public signing times followed by a reception Saturday evening. 

October 6th is a VIP breakfast.

Prices start as low as $20 for a day pass to the public signing, or you can take a VIP Package that includes one-on-one time with your favourite authors and special meals and other events. If you want a fun weekend getaway, check this out. Special hotel rates have been negotiated for those attending the conference. You can get more information by clicking here.


I was going to talk more about blog tours and a include a deleted scene from Hoodoo House, but it seems like this update is already long enough. I’ll leave you in suspense until next week. In the meantime, thanks for reading.

Warmest Regards,

Peter E. Fenton


Need to reach Peter E. Fenton?

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Published by peterefenton

Peter Fenton is a playwright and author living in Toronto, Canada.

2 thoughts on “Peter E. Fenton Update … Mann Hunt Wins An Award

  1. Belated congrat’s on this award, Pete. It’s great to hear that your new career is going so well! P. 


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