Peter E. Fenton Launches Hoodoo House Tomorrow

***** Tomorrow, HOODOO HOUSE officially launches to the world. Getting a book out involves a lot of people, and I’d like to take a moment to thank a few of the folks who have been instrumental in making book 2 of the Declan Hunt Mysteries Series a reality. First of all, a huge thank youContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton Launches Hoodoo House Tomorrow”

Peter E. Fenton Opens Up About Writing Sex Scenes

***** It’s just two weeks until Hoodoo House comes out and before the novel is released I think it is time to confess something. It has to do with sex. When I started writing novels, the truth is … I hadn’t read many romances. My original objective wasn’t really to write romance as much asContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton Opens Up About Writing Sex Scenes”

Peter E. Fenton Reveals Cover of Hoodoo House

**** It’s time to finally reveal a visual image of Charlie, one of the main characters in Hoodoo House, the second book in the Declan Hunt Mysteries series. The novel comes out June 25th, and I think it is safe to say that excitement is running high for the sequel to Mann Hunt. How doContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton Reveals Cover of Hoodoo House”