Peter E. Fenton Launches Hoodoo House Tomorrow

***** Tomorrow, HOODOO HOUSE officially launches to the world. Getting a book out involves a lot of people, and I’d like to take a moment to thank a few of the folks who have been instrumental in making book 2 of the Declan Hunt Mysteries Series a reality. First of all, a huge thank youContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton Launches Hoodoo House Tomorrow”

Peter E. Fenton Opens Up About Writing Sex Scenes

***** It’s just two weeks until Hoodoo House comes out and before the novel is released I think it is time to confess something. It has to do with sex. When I started writing novels, the truth is … I hadn’t read many romances. My original objective wasn’t really to write romance as much asContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton Opens Up About Writing Sex Scenes”

Peter E. Fenton Update … Mann Hunt Wins An Award

***** Last week I had a chance to talk to Robert Jerome Pagan as part of the International Queer Film and Art Forum Authors’ Festival. Robert interviewed me about my work, and then the following week I participated in a panel about work being published by queer authors. After the festival, awards were given out,Continue reading “Peter E. Fenton Update … Mann Hunt Wins An Award”

Peter E. Fenton Moves Up The Best Seller Lists

***** As I get closer to the launch of Hoodoo House, I will be publishing this newsletter weekly as a way of giving updates on the process of getting the book from the recesses of my mind, onto the page, through the publishing and editing process, and then out to readers. It is a complexContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton Moves Up The Best Seller Lists”

Peter E. Fenton Reveals Cover of Hoodoo House

**** It’s time to finally reveal a visual image of Charlie, one of the main characters in Hoodoo House, the second book in the Declan Hunt Mysteries series. The novel comes out June 25th, and I think it is safe to say that excitement is running high for the sequel to Mann Hunt. How doContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton Reveals Cover of Hoodoo House”

Peter E. Fenton February Newsletter

*** Winter is receding and 2024 is shaping up to be a busy year as I continue along the path to releasing two books and getting a musical out on tour. This month is all about process. So first, let me update you on Hoodoo House coming out this summer.  Right now while the book is goingContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton February Newsletter”

Peter E. Fenton January Newsletter

***** If you peeked into my writing room over the last six weeks you would have seen a lot of index cards and post-it notes as I dug deep into revisions on my latest novel. Writing the second installment of The Declan Hunt Mysteries has taught me a great deal about the challenges of writing aContinue reading “Peter E. Fenton January Newsletter”